B a t h s   |   2 0 2 1
I created an animation project featuring lovable host, Marv, as he takes viewers on a sensual journey into the mystical world of self-hygiene. I wanted to experiment with tactile typography, using classic techniques like direct-to-film animation and contrasting the aesthetics of pioneers like Stan Brakhage and Norm MacLaren.
A U D I O  &  F O O T A G E
The Forbidden Room (2015)

Practical effects / Lightroom / Audition / After Effects
D i r e c t - t o - F i l m
I painted directly onto 16mm film leader to create background textures and colors that gave the animation a tangible and organic feel, while adding to the grotesque and disturbing tone of the film behind it. I then used a camera to capture the footage as it was fed through a projector, allowing me to composite it with the other elements and create the final sequence.
T y p o g r a p h y
The typographic elements were traced frame by frame from a digital template onto acetate sheets rather than film leader, giving me full control over the lettering and composition. Each page was digitally scanned and split into individual frames, resulting in a sequence of approximately 1000 total frames of animation.​​​​​​​

M o r e P r o j e c t s

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