S c a r y   S t o r i e s   t o   T e l l   i n   t h e   D a r k   |   2 0 2 1
This legendary book has been instilling fear and haunting dreams for generations, long before its lackluster movie adaptation. This time, the vision for this title sequence extends beyond the pages, offering a star-studded cast and a thrilling indie slasher vibe meant to revitalize and breathe new life into the horror genre.
The sequence itself attempts to capture the chilling essence of the book's haunting illustrations. These images possess a malevolent ability to seep into the reader's mind, spreading fear like an infectious disease and eventually taking over the subconscious. Far from being mere ink on paper, they become a living, breathing nightmare that haunts the reader long after the book is closed. It's an unsettling concept that defies the notion that children's books can't be truly terrifying.
A u d i o
Descent - Anti General

Illustrator / Practical effects / After Effects / Premiere
P r o c e s s
The creative process revolved around the mesmerizing flow and bend of the ink, as if the drawings were taking on a life of their own. The ink morphed into a monstrous entity, revealing glimpses of iconic characters and illustrations from the books.
 Additionally, by combining the typography with the visuals, the credits seamlessly merged with the sequence, becoming a part of the story rather than an afterthought.​​​​​​​
Ink as a subject in title design is pretty much a cliche at this point, so I wanted to depict it in a unique style, different from what one would usually see. With that in mind I experimented with different surfaces like cloth, varying thicknesses of paper, wood, and skin. The experimentation with diverse surfaces and textures produced a visceral sequence that conveyed the grotesque and mutilated essence of the original illustrations. The veiny, tendril-like patterns that the skin created, evoked a manic and almost violent feeling, as if the drawings were manifesting through the surfaces themselves.

M o r e P r o j e c t s

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