B a d   D r e a m z   |   2 0 2 1
I had the privilege of being part of a passion project led by design director Diana Weisman, working on a photo/design series that delved into the meaning and psychology of nightmares. On a team of photographers, psychologists, and even dream interpreters, I was tasked with designing and animating a series of various "tarot" style cards that revealed the hidden meanings of dreams and nightmares. Although the project unfortunately didn't make it to final production, it was a great opportunity to experiment with new techniques and aesthetics that I probably would not have explored otherwise.

S o f t w a r e
Illustrator / Cinema 4D / Redshift / After Effects
L i g h t i n g
Since the project delved into the ethereal concepts of dream analysis, I aimed to convey the same mysterious and haunting quality in the design. I experimented with the dramatic chiaroscuro lighting to convey the mood and tone of nightmarish visuals, evoking a sense of foreboding and unease through the use of deep shadows and eerie lighting. This approach allowed for evocative visual language that captured the intangible, and often indescribable nature of dreams and nightmares.

S t a g i n g
Because this focus of this series was to showcase the various cards depicted in the design, the compositions are largely inspired by modern product photography. I was initially intrigued by how this contemporary style evokes a sense of surrealism while still exuding sophistication and elegance. The director and I recognized the parallels between this aesthetic and the intangible, otherworldly qualities of dreams and nightmares, prompting the explorations to be based on this approach.
I incorporated key aesthetic elements of modern product photography, like clean lines, minimalism, and a focus on simplicity, which were achieved through the use of neutral backgrounds and straightforward compositions. This allowed for an atmosphere that communicated the sense of familiarity, but an unrecognizable plane of consciousness, much like the surreal world of dreams. Through the utilization of these elements, we were able to create a unique visual language that brought the world of dreams and nightmares to life in a way that was both sophisticated and haunting.

M o r e P r o j e c t s

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