E r r o r h e a d   |   2 0 2 0
I continued my foray into the fascinating world of digital glitching and file corruption, this time with a focus on manipulating GIFs. I selected the iconic shot from Eraserhead (1977) that boasted a high degree of contrast and distinct shapes, but also because it happened to be the last image in my camera roll. Either way I thought the flying particles within the shot presented a unique opportunity to create some beautifully glitched-out textures. 
Beginning with a clean sequence, I used Hex Fiend to progressively mash the data until there was no more mashing to be done. Ultimately, this project was driven purely for the sake of curiosity and experimentation in file distortion, the resulting collection of GIFs is a testament to the beauty and playfulness that can emerge from digital corruption.

S o f t w a r e
Hex Fiend / After Effects
V a r i a t i o n s

M o r e P r o j e c t s

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