H e a d s h o t - O - R a m a   |   2 0 2 1
At the start of my summer internship at Sarofsky, I was instructed to create an Instagram introduction post from scratch. Combining my passion for practical effects and typography, I crafted a design that showcases my love for both.

S o f t w a r e
Lightroom / Photoshop / Practical effects / After Effects
P h o t o g r a p h y
After getting some headshots taken in the name of professionalism, I was eager to immediately tear them up, capturing the process on camera via stop-motion photography. Rather than compositing the shots together after the fact, I opted to layer a series of photos on top of each other in camera. Then, using a wall outlet as my makeshift level, I photographed each tear as it inched past the frame. The end result was a montage of self-destruction, with just the right amount of "I'm too edgy for traditional headshots" vibe. The aftermath was a mess of paint stains and ripped up photos that resemble a sort of deranged self-therapy session.​​​​​​​
T y p o g r a p h y
I experimented with a variety of materials to shape different letters of my name. I scanned in each piece, intentionally leaving traces of the textures and borders to achieve a raw, stamped lithographic feel. I decided last minute to colorize some of the dust textures, integrating the typography with the photography. The end result is a looping montage that directly captures my intrigue and enthusiasm for handcrafted motion design.

M o r e P r o j e c t s

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