D i m e n s i o n s   o f   M a n   |   2 0 2 0
My goal with this project was to create a thought-provoking concept that challenges Marshall McLuhan's ideas on the dimensions of man and switch off. Rather than simply accepting his perspective on technology as largely negative, I've taken an almost satirical approach that criticizes the impact his ideas have had on our culture. The technology is depicted as anatomical and grotesque, seemingly being dissected as its innards lay scattered on the operating table.
A u d i o
Excerpts of interviews by Marshall McLuhan

S o f t w a r e
Practical effects / After Effects / Audition / Premiere
C o n c e p t s
As the television set moves closer, the perspective cuts to the inside of the TV, giving the impression of one viewing from within. The inward projection of the visuals onto the technological components highlights the paradox of McLuhan's critique, as the medium he criticizes is the one he uses to communicate his message. By doing so, the viewer becomes complicit in the very thing that McLuhan is criticizing.
The audio is also a crucial part of the piece, with McLuhan's voice becoming increasingly booming and echoing as the sequence progresses. This represents the cultural echo chamber that has developed around discussions of technology and its impact, and how these ideas can quickly spiral into fear and paranoia.
P r o c e s s
This project emerged from my curiosity to dissect analog technology. Around the same time, I started learning about Marshall McLuhan's theories, having mixed feelings about his perspective on technology. However, by physically dismantling and examining the technology I was fascinated by, I started to draw connections between his figurative metaphors and the tangible attributes of technology.
I spent hours dismantling CRT TVs, DVD players, broken computer monitors, and various circuitry components, which allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of these machines. Although only a select few of these items made it into the final project, each one contributed to the process and formation of the concept. By merging the physical exploration of technology along with McLuhan's theories, I developed a unique perspective on the impact of technology on society, which I aim to communicate through this project.

M o r e P r o j e c t s

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